Que hizo Juan Ponce de Leon?

¿Qué hizo Juan Ponce de León?

En 1513, Juan Ponce de León descubría la Florida. Durante la expedición que lo propició, de siete meses de duración, también se descubrió la llamada corriente del Golfo , que iba a facilitar de forma asombrosa la navegación de regreso a Europa.

¿Dónde se encuentra la fuente de la juventud?

De entre todas las fuentes que hay en el mundo, probablemente la más famosa se encuentra en el estado de Florida y está vinculada a la expedición del vallisoletano Ponce de León que a principios del siglo XVI descubrió este territorio que hoy es el paraíso de los jubilados estadounidenses.

What did Juan Ponce de Leon gain for himself?

The contract stipulated that Ponce de León held exclusive rights to the discovery of Benimy and neighboring islands for the next three years. He would be governor for life of any lands he discovered, but he was expected to finance for himself all costs of exploration and settlement.

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What are Juan Ponce de Leon greatest accomplishments?

Spain. Juan Ponce de León was born in the village of Santervás de Campos in the northern part of what is now the Spanish province of Valladolid.

  • Arrival in the New World.
  • Hispaniola.
  • Puerto Rico.
  • First voyage to Florida.
  • Between voyages.
  • Last voyage to Florida.
  • What was Juan Ponce de Leon purpose of his expedition?

    Juan Ponce de León. Ponce was born in Spain around 1474 and arrived in the New World no later than 1502.

  • Puerto Rico. Ponce de Leon was given permission to explore and settle the island of San Juan Bautista,today known as Puerto Rico.
  • First Florida Voyage.
  • Ponce de Leon in Spain.
  • Second Florida Voyage.
  • His Legacy.
  • Source.
  • What was Juan Ponse de Leon most famous for?

    Early Years. His birthplace is believed to have been in Santervás de Campos,a small village in an area now called Valladolid,a Spanish province.

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  • Hispaniola. After fighting,he joined the second trip that Christopher Columbus was making in September of 1493 to Hispaniola.
  • Puerto Rico.