Quien es la mejor amiga de Lavender Brown?

¿Quién es la mejor amiga de Lavender Brown?

Parvati Patil era la mejor amiga y compañera de cuarto de Lavender, y se la veía a menudo en su compañía.

¿Cómo se llaman las Indias de Harry Potter?

Las gemelas Padma y Parvati Patil, fuera de la escuela de magia, disfrutando del éxito de Harry Potter. ¡Mira cómo han crecido!

¿Cuál es el Patronus de Lavender Brown?

Lavender Brown

Lavender Monique Finnigan (de soltera Brown)
Información personal
Características Mágicas
Boggart Serpiente cascabel
Patronus No corpóreo

¿Quién interpreta a Padma Patil?

Afshan Azad
Afshan Azad y Shefali Chowdhury interpretaron a las hermanas Padma y Parvati Patil en Harry Potter. Afshan Azad se alejó de las pantallas luego de participar en la franquicia de Harry Potter (Warner Bros.)

¿Cuándo nació Padma Patil?

Padma Patil nació en 1980. Es una estudiante de Ravenclaw del mismo año que Harry. Su hermana gemela es Parvati Patil ,de Gryffindor. En el Baile de Navidad, Padma acompaña a Ron, aunque ella no estaba cómoda.

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Who is Parvati Patil?

Parvati Patil (b. 1979 / 1980), was a witch of Indian heritage, daughter of Mr and Mrs Patil, and the identical twin sister of Padma. She was sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but her sister Padma was sorted into Ravenclaw.

How close are Parvati and Padma Patil?

Padma Patil is Parvati’s twin sister. It’s unknown how close the two girls are. It can be assumed that they are very close, as is the case with most twins. The girls were separated once they began attending Hogwarts, as Parvati was sorted into Gryffindor and Padma into Ravenclaw.

What is the meaning of Parvati?

Parvati is the name of a Hindu goddess of strength, consort of Shiva and daughter of the Himalayas. She was renowned for her beauty. Parvati translates into «she of the mountains» in Sanskrit. It may entirely be possible Parvati Patil’s name, and her sister’s, have been somewhat inspired by the model Padma Parvati Lakshmi.

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What is Parvati’s interest in divination?

I saw loads of stuff…» — Parvati’s interest in Divination [src] Parvati Patil (b. 1979 / 1980 ), was a witch of Indian heritage, daughter of Mr and Mrs Patil, and the identical twin sister of Padma. She was sorted into Gryffindor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but her sister Padma was sorted into Ravenclaw.