
Como celebrar Ganesha?

¿Cómo celebrar Ganesha?

Se celebra tanto en casa como en lugares públicos. Durante estos días se suceden las ofrendas, los baños purificadores, la visita a los templos y también las cenizas de colores, que dotan a los festivales hindús de su particular colorido. La jornada más importante del festival es la que se celebra el décimo día.

¿Cuál es el poder de Ganesha?

-Ganesha es un dios del panteón hindú con cuerpo humano y cabeza de elefante, hijo de los dioses Shiva y Parvati. Es una de las deidades más conocidas y adoradas en la India, por ser removedor de obstáculos, patrono de las artes, de las ciencias y señor de la abundancia.

When is Vinayaka Chavithi in 2015?

Ganesh Chaturthi (Vinayaka Chavithi) is the festival of Lord Ganesha. In 2015, Vinayaka Chavithi date is September 17.

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How many easy Vinayaka Chavithi recipes for naivedyam?

I have put together more than 16 easy Vinayaka chavithi recipes for naivedyam that I personally offer at home with a plus or minus. While offering prasadam, I prefer to choose the traditional dishes that have been offered for years by my elders (either in my mom’s family or MILs family).

What is the significance of Vinayaka Chaturthi?

The Chaturthi after Amavasya or new moon during Shukla Paksha is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi and the one after Purnimasi or full moon during Krishna Paksha is known as Sankashti Chaturthi. Although Vinayaka Chaturthi fasting is done every month but the most significant Vinayaka Chaturthi falls in month of Bhadrapada.

Is Vinayaka Chaturthi fasting done every month?

Although Vinayaka Chaturthi fasting is done every month but the most significant Vinayaka Chaturthi falls in month of Bhadrapada. Vinayaka Chaturthi during Bhadrapada month is known as Ganesha Chaturthi. Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated by Hindus all over the world as the birthday of Lord Ganesha.