
Como funciona el sistema PassLock?

¿Cómo funciona el sistema PassLock?

El sistema de General Motors Passlock protege a tu coche contra el robo evitando que el sistema de combustible participe a menos que inserte una llave de encendido válida autorizada por GM. Sin una llave autorizada, el motor no recibirá el combustible necesario para arrancar.

¿Cómo desactivar sistema antirrobo de Pontiac G6?

Gire la llave G6 en su encendido de «Encendido» a «Apagado» mientras mantiene presionado el botón «Bloquear» y haga dos ciclos más de «Encendido» y «Apagado» en rápida sucesión.

¿Qué significa Pass Key en un carro?

Esta es una señal para la habilitación de combustible a través de un cable de color azul. En la imagen se observa la medición del valor de la llave.

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How to permanently disable GM PassLock system?

How to Permanently Disable GM PassLock System 1 Starting from the off position. 2 Attempt to start the engine, then release the key to Run position (vehicle will not start). 3 Observe the security light located in the instrument cluster, after approximately 10 minutes the security light will turn OFF.

What happens if you bypass the PassLock sensor on a Pontiac?

It will get under your skin really bad the third time, and after that, you will start kicking the dash and swearing. This web page will guide you through the steps necessary to bypass the «Passlock Sensor» on a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am, and keep the «SECURITY» light off forever.

Is there a PassLock module on a 2002 Grand Am?

We should give him credit for knowing more than any other GM mechanic on earth. The modification to the passlock circuit for the 2002 Grand Am. The resistor takes the place of the circuitry in the passlock module Copyright © 2002 – 2021 Page modified: October 10 2021.

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How do I reset the security light on my 2003 Grand Am?

My 2003 Grand Am sometimes wont start. I’ve noticed that when it wont start, the security light is flashing. To resolve the problem I have to leave the key in the ignition with it in the «ON» position for 12 minutes to reset the sensor. The sensor light wiull stop flashing when it is reset. Then I turn the key off and then back to start.