Trucos de la vida

Como se llaman los integrantes de los imaginadores?

¿Cómo se llaman los integrantes de los imaginadores?

Miembros. Rich Collins: Vocalista, batería, guitarra (acústica y eléctrica) y banjo. Scott Durbin: Vocalista, mandolina y teclado. Dave Poche: Vocalista y bajo.

¿Cómo se llama el ratón de los imaginadores?


Personaje Actor original Temporada
Smitty Scott Smith 1ª-3ª
Nina Wendy Calio 1ª-3ª
El ratón del taller Kevin Carlson (voz) 1ª-3ª
1ª (ep. 2)

¿Cuántas temporadas tienen los imaginadores?

Los imaginadores (serie de televisión)

Los imaginadores
Protagonistas Rich Collins Scott Durbin David Poche Scott Smith Wendy Calio Douglas Fisher Kath Soucie Kevin Carlson
País de origen Estados Unidos
Idioma(s) original(es) Inglés
N.º de temporadas 3

Who are the Imagination Movers?

Rock out with the Imagination Movers, Disney Junior’s favorite alternative band for preschoolers! Rich, Scott, Dave and Smitty are brainstormers who work in an Idea Warehouse and brainstorm together to solve “idea emergencies” with their friends Nina and Warehouse Mouse.

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When did Imagination Movers move to Disney Junior?

On February 14, 2011, it was moved to the Disney Junior block, which served as Playhouse Disney’s replacement. The Imagination Movers TV series is based on the format and music of the New Orleans based music group Imagination Movers who both act and are co-executive-producers of the show.

What kind of music does the Imagination Movers use?

The music featured on the show is strongly reminiscent of ’80s and ’90s pop rock. I like it, and my wife agrees that the Imagination Movers is just right for our little girl.