
Cual era la mision de Cortes en America?

¿Cuál era la misión de Cortés en América?

Comenzó a elaborar una estrategia, con el fin de aprovechar las rencillas y odios que se tenían hacia el dominio Mexica, por grande número de provincias, a fin de lograr la conquista de tan vasto imperio.

¿Cuál es el objetivo de la conquista de América?

Los objetivos de la conquista en América, en un principio, fueron la búsqueda de metales preciosos (que antes se traían de Asia) y el deseo de España de extender su dominio en otros territorios.

¿Cómo se venció en español Hernán Cortés a los aztecas?

Según la narración del cronista Díaz del Castillo, tras invocar a Santiago los jinetes españoles se abrieron paso entre sus contrincantes y Cortés derribó a Matlatzincatzin, el líder militar azteca, y el capitán Salamanca lo mató con su lanza, apoderándose del tocado de plumas y el estandarte de guerra de los mexicas.

What are some interesting facts about Hernando Cortes?

Even if he didn’t pursue a career in law,what he learned would be really useful later in his conquering expeditions.

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  • He didn’t use the name “Hernán”. It is believed that at some point of history writers shortened the names he used to “Hernán”.
  • Hernán Cortés was a distant relative of Francisco Pizarro.
  • Why did Hernan Cortes take Montezuma hostage?

    Why did CortÈs and his men take Montezuma hostage and hold him under house arrest after they reached Tenochtitl·n in 1519? The Mexica sought surrender, while the Spanish sought total victory. In the 1520s, how did the Spanish concept of war differ from the Mexican concept of war?

    What did Hernan Cortes discover?

    Velazquez appointed Hernan to a high position (secretary) in the colony after he himself was appointed the Governor of New Spain.

  • In 1528 Hernan was forced to return to Spain but on his return to Mexico much of his power in Mexico was reduced.
  • In 1521 Velazquez tried to conquer Hernan but failed.
  • Why does Hernan Cortes spread Christianity on Aztecs?

    While the Aztecs didn’t worship Christianity, Cortes had no problem impersonating one of their gods knowing that there is only one true God if he believed in what he wanted to spread. Knowing that his own Spanish army could defeat the Aztecs he took it by force nothing of which was the initial intentions. Wealth and fame made him do these actions.