
Donde nacio Cristobal de Onate?

¿Dónde nació Cristóbal de Oñate?

1504, País VascoCristóbal de Oñate / Nacimiento

¿Qué descubrió Juan de Oñate?

En abril de 1598 llegaron al río Bravo (también llamado Río Grande del Norte), el límite natural de Nuevo México, después de haber cruzado el llamado Paso del Norte, que Oñate descubrió. A los pocos días el capitán tomó posesión de las tierras en nombre del rey español, Felipe II.

¿Quién o quiénes fueron los conquistadores de Jalisco?

La conquista de Jalisco empezó por el sur del estado. Cristóbal de Olid entró en 1522 por Mazamitla y Tamazula. En 1524 Hernán Cortés envió a su primo Francisco Cortés, a explorar la costa y buscar metales preciosos; y después a Alonso de Ávalos.

What important thing did Juan de Onate do?

– Explore the newly acquired territory (modern New Mexico) – Capture the Spanish traitor – Spread Christianity by building missions

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What did Juan de Onate discover?

What did Onate discover? Juan de Oñate, (born 1550?, New Spain—died 1630), conquistador who established the colony of New Mexico for Spain. During his despotic governorship, he vainly sought the mythical riches of North America and succeeded instead in unlocking the geographical secrets of what is now the southwestern United States.

What was Juan de Onate in search of?

On June 23, 1601, Oñate began an expedition to Quivira in search of wealth and an outlet to the sea. He followed the Canadian River across the Texas Panhandle and near the Oklahoma border headed northeast. In 1606 King Philip III ordered Oñate to Mexico City until allegations against him could be investigated.

What did Juan de Onate accomplish?

Juan de Oñate, a Spanish conquistador born in New Spain (present-day Mexico), leads a caravan of 129 soldiers, 10 Franciscan friars, some 300 settlers, 83 wagons and about 7,000 head of cattle, crosses the Rio Grande and claims New Mexico for the Spanish crown. To celebrate the settlement of New Mexico, he hosts a mass and invites the natives to join him and his troops in a thanksgiving meal.