
Donde se encuentra la constelacion de Medusa?

¿Dónde se encuentra la constelación de Medusa?

La Nebulosa Medusa es una gran nebulosa planetaria ubicada en la constelación de Gémini en un sector que limita con la constelación de Canis Minor.

¿Quién muere Adler o Bell?

Sin embargo, la diferencia es que en lugar de que Bell mate a Adler y su equipo, Adler mata a Bell. Esto da como resultado un final más abrupto y menos lleno de acción que el final Malo, pero el resultado final es, en última instancia, el mismo, ya que Perseo aún puede lanzar las armas nucleares.

¿Dónde se encuentra la constelación de Perseo y Medusa?

Perseo es una constelación del norte y representa a Perseo, héroe mitológico que decapitó a Medusa. Es una de las 48 constelaciones de Ptolomeo así como una de las 88 constelaciones modernas. En ella está la famosa variable Algol (β Persei), y en ella se localiza la lluvia de meteoros de las perseidas.

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Where can you see Perseus in the sky?

Perseus is easily visible in the night sky due to the brightness of its stars. Perseus is visible from August to March in the Northern hemisphere. It is visible in northerly areas of the Southern hemisphere from mid spring to early summer. Perseus is relatively bright and can be at least partially viewed even in well lit areas.

What is the Perseus shower?

The shower happens as a result of Earth passing through a trail of debris left by the comet Swift-Tuttle. The Little Dumbbell and California nebulae are located within the Perseus constellation. Perseus is near several constellations whose names derive from the adventures of the Greek hero, known as the Perseus Group.

Where can you see the Perseid meteor shower?

Perseus is visible from August to March in the Northern hemisphere. It is visible in northerly areas of the Southern hemisphere from mid spring to early summer. Perseus is relatively bright and can be at least partially viewed even in well lit areas. The annual Perseids meteor shower emanates from the direction of the constellation.

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What are the Perseids and when do they occur?

The Perseids are one of the brighter meteor showers of the year. They occur every year between July 17 and August 24 and tend to peak around August 9-13. Made of tiny space debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle, the Perseids are named after the constellation Perseus.