
Que Adobe descargar para PDF?

¿Qué Adobe descargar para PDF?

Acrobat Pro DC La solución completa de productividad PDF con todas las funciones de Acrobat Reader y muchas más.

¿Qué versión es el Acrobat Reader DC?

Notas de la versión de Acrobat DC y del seguimiento Acrobat Reader DC Continuous

Fecha Versión Notas Tipo de versión*
12 de mayo de 2020 DC de mayo de 2020 (20.009.20063) Continuous
17 de marzo de 2020 DC de marzo de 2020 (20.006.20042) Continuous
11 de febrero de 2020 DC de febrero de 2020 (20.006.20034) Continuous

What is the best Adobe Reader?

Nitro PDF Reader. Nitro PDF Reader is one of the greatest software that offers you all the tools that you would need to work with PDF documents.

  • Sumatra PDF. Sumatra PDF is another best Adobe Acrobat free alternative that you can try.
  • ARender.
  • Google PDF Reader.
  • React PDF Viewer.
  • Foxit Reader.
  • Liquid Text PDF Reader.
  • PDFelement.
  • SlimpPDF Reader.
  • Power PDF.
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    How do I make Adobe Reader my «default» reader?

    Press Win+I to open Windows Settings.

  • Click the Apps category. Then select Default apps in the left pane. In the right pane,scroll down and click Choose default apps by file type.
  • On the next page,scroll down to find .pdf and click the default app. In the pop-up menu,select your Adobe program to change default PDF viewer.
  • How do I set up an Adobe Reader?

    Reader DC or Acrobat DC. Here’s how to set it up: (Instructions from WINDOWS USERS 1. Right-click the PDF, choose Open With > Choose default program or another app in. 2. Choose Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or Adobe Acrobat DC in the list of programs, and then do one of the following:

    How can I get Adobe Reader for free?

    Appropriate for any display

  • Intuitive interface
  • Easy comparison of two individual files
  • Access to smart documents
  • Upgraded functionality
  • The possibility to share documents
  • File conversion into different formats