
Que funcion tenian los epiciclos en el modelo de Ptolomeo?

¿Qué función tenían los epiciclos en el modelo de Ptolomeo?

El epiciclo (del griego, epi, sobre, y kyklos, círculo, que significa sobre el círculo) fue la base de un modelo geométrico ideado por los antiguos griegos para explicar las variaciones en la velocidad y la dirección del movimiento aparente de la Luna, el Sol y los planetas.

¿Qué proponía el modelo geocéntrico?

Teoría astronómica que trataba de explicar el movimiento aparente de los astros contando con la hipótesis de que la Tierra era el centro fijo del universo. Según el geocentrismo, los movimientos de los cuerpos celestes podían explicarse por combinaciones de círculos (epiciclos) centrados en la Tierra. …

What did Claudius Ptolemy do?

Claudius Ptolemy was a Greek geographer and astronomer, who worked out a form of geocentric theory that lasted for 1400 years. The work he did, as compared to other Greek mathematicians, has caused argument and discussion.

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What is Ptolemy’s theory of the universe?

Ptolemy’s theory is known as Geocentric Theory. In this theory, which is his most important creation and research, Claudius Ptolemy believed that the earth was in a static position and therefore occupied the center of the Universe, and that the Sun, Moon, stars and planets were revolving around it.

Who was Ptolemy’s teacher?

Ptolemy used some observations that were originally made by a mathematician named Theon, who is believed to be also known as Theon of Smyrna. It is believed that he was probably Ptolemy’s teacher. Many early works by Ptolemy were dedicated to Syrus, and this may have been another of his teachers.

Where did Ptolemy make his observations?

Ptolemy. His astronomical observations were made from Alexandria, Egypt, in the years between 127 and 141 AD. His name has roots in both Roman and Greek Egyptian ancestry, Ptolemy used some observations that were originally made by a mathematician named Theon, who is believed to be also known as Theon of Smyrna.