
Que pasa con William Turner?

¿Qué pasa con William Turner?

Tras ser liberado, Will Turner se reúne con su hijo y también con su mujer Elizabeth Swann, a la que vuelve a dar vida Keira Knightley. Turner mató a Jones en Piratas del Caribe: En el fin del mundo, lo que hizo que se cumpliera la maldición que lo ha mantenido navegando en el Holandés Errante durante décadas.

¿Cuántos años tenía Elizabeth Swann en Piratas del Caribe?

Elizabeth tenía 12 años cuando navegaba junto a su padre y el teniente Norringtton (Quien después se convertiría en el «Comodoro» Norrington) rumbo a Port Royal. Durante la travesía encontraron los restos de un barco atacado por piratas y a Will Turner flotando a la deriva con un extraño medallón dorado.

¿Qué pasó con Bill el Botas?

Personalidad. Bill el Botas queda destrozado durante su estancia en el barco de Davy Jones. Pese a ser un pirata, Bill el Botas es un buen hombre, honrado y leal a Jack y a sus amigos.

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When did Will Turner die?

Will Turner died at home in Great Crosby on Friday, June 23rd, 1933 and was buried in the family grave at Rake Lane Cemetery the following Monday. Captain Turner died a bitter man, unable to bear the public’s scorn over the loss of his ship.

What was William Turner’s role on the Lusitania?

In 1907 William Turner succeeded Captain Jim Watt as commander of the Lusitania. With Watts’ retirement and endorsement of Turner, Turner was promoted to Commodore of the Cunard Line, and on 16 November 1907 he commanded the Mauretania, the Lusitania ‘s sister ship, on her maiden voyage. With the Cunard sisters, Turner set new speed records.

What did Captain Turner say about the submarine?

In an interview given in Queenstown and published in the New York Herald on 10 May 1915, Captain Turner told the newspaper’s reporter of his experience: “I saw the periscope of the submarine myself, as did several of my officers and many of my passengers and crew.

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What happened to Captain Turner on the Ivernia?

In the fall of 1916, Turner, at the last minute, was assigned the Ivernia when the original captain of the ship fell ill. Thirty miles off the coast of Greece, the ship was torpedoed by the German submarine UB-47. One hundred and twenty lives were lost, but once again, Turner survived.