Trucos de la vida

Que paso con el avion Malaysia?

¿Qué pasó con el avión Malaysia?

La desaparición ha dado lugar a una gran cantidad de teorías sobre lo que sucedió. Una de las teorías es que fue un «secuestro de piloto», donde el piloto tomó el control y desactivó la tecnología de radar antes de dar la vuelta sobre el Golfo de Tailandia y dirigirse hacia el oeste.

¿Cuánto cuesta el avión A380?

Cuánto se pagará por los aviones Según los estudios de la consultora Collateral Verifications LLC, el valor medio de mercado de estos A380 usados estaría en torno a los 38 millones de euros, por lo que el lote de seis unidades podría alcanzar los 228 millones de euros, indica Simple Flying.

How many A380s does Malaysia Airlines have?

Malaysia Airlines Airbus A380 fleet Malaysia Airlines currently has a fleet of six Airbus A380 aircraft. reveals that the airline’s oldest jet is 9.5 years old, while the youngest is 8.5 years old. According to Airbus’ iflyA380 website, the aircraft officially flew to London and Hong Kong at the time of its grounding.

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Which airlines fly the Airbus A380 from Kuala Lumpur to London?

Malaysia Airlines Airbus A380-800 operates flights from Kuala Lumpur to London. The Airbus A380 is replacing the Boeing 777 used on this route, not only substantially boosting the number of seats (from the 777’s 282 seats to the A380’s 494 seats) but also introducing MAS first class to the routes (business suite like on the A350-900 ).

What is the average age of Malaysia Airlines’ fleet?

According to data from, combined, the fleet has 2,924 seats, with an average age of 9.2 years. The first Malaysia Airlines Airbus A380 first flew in October 2011. Photo: Airbus

Which airlines are retiring the Airbus A380s?

The pandemic has caused the acceleration of Airbus A380 retirements. Air France, Etihad Airways, Lufthansa, and Thai Airways have retired (or plan to retire) their A380 fleets, while Qatar Airways seems highly likely to retire its A380 fleet.