
Que productos exporta Oman?

¿Qué productos exporta Omán?

Economía de Omán
Exportaciones 48,43 mil millones (2012)
Productos exportados petróleo, reexportaciones, pescado, metales, textiles
Destino de exportaciones República Popular de China 30,2\%, Corea del Sur 10,9\%, Emiratos Árabes Unidos 10,6\%, Japón 10,4\%, India 9,2\%, Tailandia 5,3\%, Estados Unidos 4,6\% (2011)

¿Cuál es el porcentaje de pobreza en Yemén?

Yemen: Economía y demografía

Cuentas Nacionales – Gobierno
PIB anual [+] 2020 16.495 M€
Índice de Fecund. [+] 2019 3,70
\% Riesgo Pobreza [+] 2014 48,6\%
Población [+] 2020 29.825.968

What are the imports of Oman?

Imports in Oman decreased to 685.80 OMR Million in June from 810.90 OMR Million in May of 2019. Imports in Oman averaged 715.95 OMR Million from 2004 until 2019, reaching an all time high of 1392.10 OMR Million in September of 2013 and a record low of 242.50 OMR Million in January of 2005.

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What are the requirements for clearance of imported goods in Oman?

ROP Customs requires the following for clearance of imported goods: An accredited copy of commercial registration and an activity form or permission for importing if such a form does not exist; A valid copy of the affiliation certificate to the Oman Chamber of Industry and Commerce (OCCI); A valid certificate from the manufacturer;

Does Oman comply with the Arab League boycott of Israel-origin imports?

Oman generally does not comply with the Arab League boycott of Israel-origin imports, although there are reports of tenders featuring outdated language about enforcing the boycott. Oman has been applying the GCC Laws on Veterinary Quarantine and Plant Quarantine since 2004.

What are the censorship laws in Oman?

The Ministry of Information delays or bars the entry of magazines and newspaper editions if it takes exception to a story on Oman or deems the content morally inappropriate. In practice, the effect of this censorship on non-pornographic materials is usually mild. Authorities restrict imports of pork products and alcoholic beverages.