
Que significado tiene el arbol de alamo?

¿Qué significado tiene el árbol de álamo?

almr ‘olmo’. 1. m. Árbol de la familia de las salicáceas , que se eleva a considerable altura , de hojas anchas con largos pecíolos y flores laterales y colgantes .

¿Cuáles son los árboles álamos?

El álamo o chopo es un árbol de hoja caduca de la familia de las Salicáceas perteneciente al género Populus. Puede alcanzar una altura de 35 metros y por eso es ideal para plantar en lugares con mucho viento pues además sus ramas son flexibles y es por eso que no se quiebran con facilidad.

What does the name Alamo mean?

alamo in American English (ˈæləˌmoʊ ) US. nounWord forms: plural ˈalaˌmos. Southwest. a poplar tree; esp., a cottonwood. What does Alamo mean? Alamo is defined as a mission in San Antonio, Texas that was used as a fort during the Texas revolution. The definition of an alamo is a poplar tree from the southwest area of the United States.

What does the word alamo mean?

ˈæl əˌmoʊ, ˈɑ lə- Alam·o Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Alamo. Princeton’s WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: Alamo noun a siege and massacre at a mission in San Antonio in 1836; Mexican forces under Santa Anna besieged and massacred American rebels who were fighting to make Texas independent of Mexico

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What does the Alamo represent?

Monarchists wanted Texas (along with the rest of Mexico) subjugated to the Spanish Crown.

  • Centralists wanted Texas as part of a Mexico ruled by a national government.
  • Federalists wanted Texas to be part of a Mexican government where administrative power would exist at the state and federal levels[source: Patrick].
  • What was the significance of the Alamo?

    What was the significance of the Battle of the Alamo? The victory ensured the success of Texan independence: Santa Anna, who had been taken prisoner, came to terms with Houston to end the war. In May, Mexican troops in San Antonio were ordered to withdraw, and to demolish the Alamo’s fortifications as they went.