
Que trabajaba Martin Luther King?

¿Qué trabajaba Martin Luther King?

Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Sr. (nacido Michael King Sr. – Stockbridge, Georgia, 19 de diciembre de 1899-Atlanta, 11 de noviembre de 1984) fue un pastor bautista, misionero, y uno de los primeros líderes en el movimiento de derechos civiles en Estados Unidos.

¿Qué hacía la mamá de Martin Luther King?

Alberta se desempeñaría como organizadora y presidenta del Comité de Mujeres de Ebenezer desde 1950 hasta 1962. También fue una talentosa música que se desempeñó como corista organista y directora de Ebenezer, que puede haber contribuido al respeto que su hijo tenía por las artes negras.

¿Cómo se llama la madre de Martin Luther King?

Martin Luther King, Sr.
Alberta Williams King
Martin Luther King/Padres

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What is Alberta Williams King famous for?

Alberta Williams King. Alberta Christine Williams King (September 13, 1904 – June 30, 1974) was the mother of Martin Luther King, Jr.. She was married to Martin Luther King, Sr. for 58 years. She had an important part in the activities of the Ebenezer Baptist Church.

Who was Alberta Christine Williams King?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Alberta Christine Williams King (September 13, 1904 – June 30, 1974) was Martin Luther King Jr.’s mother and the wife of Martin Luther King Sr.

How did Alberta Williams die?

She played a significant role in the affairs of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. She was shot and killed in the church by Marcus Wayne Chenault, a 23-year-old Black Hebrew Israelite six years after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Alberta Christine Williams was born on September 13, 1904.

Who was MLK’s mother Alberta Williams King?

Alberta Williams King. Alberta Christine Williams King (September 13, 1904 – June 30, 1974) was Martin Luther King Jr.’s mother and the wife of Martin Luther King Sr.

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