
Quien descubrio Oceania y en que ano?

¿Quién descubrio Oceanía y en qué año?

Nueva evidencia indica que navegantes lusos alcanzaron el mayor territorio de Oceanía en el siglo XVI. Un puñado de cobre podría revolucionar la historia de Australia y Portugal. Oficialmente, el británico James Cook fue el primer europeo en desembarcar en tierras australianas en 1770.

¿Cuando colonizaron Australia?

Durante el siglo XVII varios exploradores llegaron a la costa de Australia y en 1770 el capitán James Cook desembarcó y reclamó el territorio para la corona británica.

Who was Dirk Hartog?

In the year 1616. Dirk Hartog was a successful Dutch private shipping merchant commissioned by the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie (VOC or the Dutch East India Company) as a ship’s captain. The VOC was established in 1602 to coordinate the activities of Dutch shipping companies in the East Indies (now Indonesia).

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How did Dirk Hartog get to Australia?

While the Brouwer route was not enforced on sailors until 1617, Dirk Hartog (in 1616) was sailing to Java in the East Indies by this route during a spice trade run. His ship, the Eendracht was blown too far east and Hartog landed on a small island (now called Dirk Hartog Island) off the west coast of Australia on the 25th October 1616.

What was the significance of the Hartog’s discovery of Australia?

The Hartog discovery provided momentum to the serach to find out how large the continent was as Hartog had thought that he had discovered the mythical Southland, a theoretical Arctic continent, known by various names including Australia and Terra Ausutralis Incognita.

What did William Hartog discover on his voyage?

Leaving the island on 27 October, Hartog sailed north up the coast of Western Australia towards Batavia. Naming the continent Eendrachtsland in honour of his ship, Hartog used the voyage to create the earliest nautical maps of Australia’s western coastline.