
Quien es Dolores Huerta?

¿Quién es Dolores Huerta?

Dolores Huerta es la presidenta de la Fundación Dolores Huerta, y la cofundadora y primera vice- presidenta emérita de Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos de América, AFL-CIO (UFW). Es madre de 11 hijos, 14 nietos y 6 bisnietos.

¿Cómo fue la infancia de Dolores Huerta?

Cuando Dolores Huerta era una bebé, su familia vivía en un pueblo situado en el norte de Nuevo México. Su padre, Juan Fernández trabajaba en el campo y como minero. Dolores sólo tenía tres años cuando sus padres se divorciaron. Alicia Chávez, su madre decidió trasladarse y sus 5 hijos a Stockton, California.

What did Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta fight for?

Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta are two very well-known historical figures and Mexican-American civil rights activists to Californians and Americans across the nation. The two are known to have organized Chicano farm workers to demand better working conditions and wages, and fought for political power.

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How can mission YMCA help Dolores Huerta elementary?

Dolores Huerta Elementary enjoys a close working relationship with the after-school program, Mission YMCA.The YMCA staff works closely with Dolores Huerta Elementary staff to ensure extended learning opportunities.

Who are the Filipino human rights leaders in the Philippines?

Most people have never heard of Filipino rights leaders such as Larry Itliong, co-founder of the Filipino union, the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee (AWOC); Philip Vera Cruz also a co-founder of AWOC and who served as the second vice president of the UFW until 1977; and Pete Velasco and Andy Imutan, also vice presidents.

Do we forget the role of Filipinos in the labor movement?

Although Chavez and Huerta deserve the respect and historical significance placed on their work, we should not leave out the important presence and pivotal role of Filipinos in the labor rights movement from our collective memory.