Trucos de la vida

Quien vencio a Napoleon en Trafalgar?

¿Quién vencio a Napoleon en Trafalgar?

El total de 34 buques se encontró entonces con la flota de Nelson cerca del cabo de Trafalgar, y el 21 de octubre tuvo lugar un encuentro naval: la batalla de Trafalgar, donde la flota franco-española fue derrotada por la Armada Real británica.

¿Quién fue Horatio Nelson?

Horacio Nelson, I vizconde de Nelson, I duque de Bronté (Burnham Thorpe, Inglaterra, 29 de septiembre de 1758-Cabo de Trafalgar, 21 de octubre de 1805), fue un vicealmirante de la Marina Real británica, conocido por sus victorias durante las Guerras revolucionarias francesas y las Guerras napoleónicas, particularmente …

What was the relationship between Nelson and Napoleon?

In 1801 Nelson spent the summer reconnoitring the French coast where Napoleon was building up an army of invasion. In this sense, they lived parallel lives, travelling the same direction on twinned trajectories, neither converging or diverging.

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What happened to Lord Nelson in 1805?

In 1805, after a brief rest ashore, Nelson returned to sea after hearing that the French and Spanish fleets were concentrating at Cádiz. On October 21, the combined French and Spanish fleet was spotted off Cape Trafalgar.

Who were Napoleon Bonaparte and Horatio Nelson?

M illions of people served in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815) but it is the figures of Napoleon Bonaparte and Horatio Nelson that have come to personify these years of conflict. Both men rose to the top of their military professions, in the process demonstrating intelligence, cunning and outstanding leadership qualities.

How did Horatio Nelson impact the war?

Horatio Nelson – Legacy: Nelson’s victories ensured that the British controlled the seas for the duration of the Napoleonic Wars and prevented the French from ever attempting to invade Britain. His strategic vision and tactical flexibility set him apart from his contemporaries and have been emulated in the centuries since his death.